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Seregios / セルレギオス – Battle Theme [ Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak / モンスターハンターライズ:サンブレイク ]

Seregios was shown at the end of the second trailer for Monster Hunter 4 G. Its footprint was initially shown as a teaser Image for the Monster in the February 14, 2014 Nintendo Direct video. It is the flagship monster of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. Seregios is a medium-sized bipedal wyvern covered in lustrous gold scales. Its face features red markings around the eyes which continue along its body, and its head is topped with a single, backwards-curving horn. Its feet are zygodactyl in nature, with two toes facing forward, and two toes facing backward. Each of Seregios’s scales can swivel individually, and it will use them to perform a rattling display when agitated.
Source: http://monsterhunter.wikia.com/wiki/Monster_Hunter_Wiki

Monster BGM Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGYC3ko9W17UmjzeBQXHpHF2JNI9qOt_m
Location BGM Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGYC3ko9W17U3yKWKPG-fR1KgSEkyMBf1

Official Website: http://www.capcom.co.jp/monsterhunter/